Reordering My To-Do List for 2021

Posted by on January 05, 2021 · 5 mins read

Reordering My To-Do List for 2021

Never Eat Soggy Waffles

This classic mnemonic I learned as a kid has always helped me remember my cardinal directions. But, this year I learned a new way to think about the directions that totally reoriented my life.

Because 2020’s been a brutal year emotionally, physically, and mentally, I joined Sarah Jenks’ Whole Woman program. One of the first lessons explained her concept of a “whole” woman. Basically, it goes like this:

  • North represents the element Earth, which is your body
  • East represents the element Air, which is your work
  • South represents the element Fire, which is your sensuality/passion
  • West represents the element Water, which is your relationships

The bonus direction is Center, which is your spirituality. In order to be a “whole” woman, it’s recommended to have all directions present in your life. (FYI this concept can apply to everyone and anyone.)

Visualizing a compass finally helped me understand what my mother has always told me to do: “go have some fun”. As a very pragmatic person, fun is usually the first thing to be dropped off of my to-do list. First comes work. Then, body. Then, relationships. Then, fun. But, as of late, fun’s been pretty nonexistent.

Essentially, I’d forgotten how delicious maple syrup was, and in the forgetting I lost my Soggy. So, the search began.

My first stumbling block was this quote “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” I’ve had a lot of jobs over the years. They’ve been my greatest teachers of what I don’t want to do like clean toilets. Based on those experiences, making your passion your job is the goal. But, if I’m not there yet, I don’t have to lump my passion and my job together. They can be two separate aspects of my life.

That wonderful revelation led me to my second stumbling block. I need a hobby. What is something that I can do for fun?

Drinking! In the past, partying was how I’d relax and let go. That of course was super fun. Until it wasn’t. Mainly because I’ve never been a good drinker. Let’s just say Drunk Liza is very unpredictable. She can be really fun or really shitty. With Drunk Liza causing more not fun than fun, drinking’s out.

Netflix! Don’t get me wrong. I love me some Netflix, but binge watching Netflix isn’t something I’m passionate about. It’s more my coping mechanism to numb out after a long day of working 2 jobs. Because I’m trying to break this habit and actually feel my feelings, Netflix’s out.

Exercise! I love yoga or cross country skiing or running or hiking. Yes, that could be my hobby, but those activities really belong in the body or spirituality aspect of my life. Exercise’s out.

Finding my hobby wasn’t as easy as I thought. Then, I met with Jennifer Racioppi for a natal chart reading. She asked me “what did you do for fun as a child?”

As a kid, I did lots of arts and crafts. I liked sketching and painting. Does that sound fun? Eh. I played the flute. What about a musical instrument? Nah. For weeks, my brain pondered the different activities I did as a child. But, nothing sparked any excitement.

During a holiday, virtual chat with some high school friends, I felt super jealous of one of them. She’s always been really crafty and artistic, and she showed us some of her current projects. She found her Soggy! Actually, she never lost her Soggy. This sent me into a spiral.

When did I lose this part of me? I used to be just as crafty, creative, and artistic as her. I did all kinds of art projects like making jewelry. Why did I let the flame go out? What’s wrong with me?

Then, it hit me. I figured out my passion project. Quilting!

As I’m finally emerging from the shadow, I’ve relit the flame. I found my Soggy! I had no idea how unbalanced I was until I reflected on the four cardinal directions in my life. Now that I’ve found a hobby, I want to tend the flame rather than let it burn out again. So, for 2021, I’m working on reordering my to-do list because I want to eat waffles with a heavy dose of syrup.

What are some of your passion projects? How do you prevent them from being cut off of your to-do list? I’d love to hear.