About Liza

My Blogosophy:

When I was in grad school to become a Secondary English Teacher, I crafted my Teaching Philosophy aka my “why”. Although I’m no longer a teacher, I liked the intent of the assignment so much that I’ve repurposed it. What’s emerged is my Blogosophy.

My desire:

Create a space for people to feel confident about tech and trust their intuition.

  1. Tech:
    • Lots of barriers to entry
    • Constantly changing
    • Practical, pragmatic like the brain
  2. Intuition:
    • Inner voice, inner knowing, inner desires
    • Mysterious, creative like the gut

Two seemingly different worlds, yet connected. Intertwined. The gut and the mind merge at the heart. At the heart of tech and intuition is chaos. Explosion. Rebirth. Creation. Reimagination. Fun.

Things I value:

  1. Freedom: Unlocking myself from the perceived safety of my cage, so that I can feel the exhilaration of flying down the hill, weaving between the snow-covered trees as if I’m queen of the world.
  2. Exploration: The excitement of being introduced to something new that inspires me to obsess, travel, and navigate unexplored lands.
  3. Fun! Life should be fun. Work should be fun. I like to laugh. I like it when other people laugh.
  4. Energy: I feel energy. Everyone can, whether they admit it or not. I work hard to take care of my energy, so I can show up as the best version of myself. Let’s bring the good vibes.
  5. Grace: We’re all learning and evolving. I’m hopefully a different and better person than I was yesterday. There will be lots of stumbling and falling until I get there aka me cross-country skiing. Gracefulness is a work in progress.
  6. Inclusive Environment: Inclusion feels like a warm, welcoming, accepting hug. I’ve lived abroad for 4 years and worked with students from all over the world. What that means is that I like having everyone at the table.
  7. Safe Environment: In order to feel safe to be myself, experiment, do things differently, that requires a safe container with defined boundaries.
  8. Fun! Did I mention fun? I have a very serious, introspective, intense side. But, I also have a lightness. Softness. Desire for others to smile.
  9. Questioning: I’m slightly rebellious. I like to bend the rules. I like to question, dig deep, pry. Some may like it. Some may not. That’s totally cool.
  10. Rebirth: I enjoy taking calculated risks. Being bold. Changing it up. Sometimes purposefully, sometimes due to a shove from the universe. So, things will change at some point. Well, I hope so. Life would be hella boring if I’m the same person for the rest of my life. Until then,

Ciao baby, LP
